Previous Work

Previous Work Of Eurobird

honorable work in the Middle East and Africa with major investors in the field of poultry.

German Big Dutchman Jaws

Organization in the steps and focus on the smallest details in the jaw and washing

German Big Dutchman

Capacity 65,000 breeding birds - 40,000 broiler birds capacity Unpacked and washed with utmost care and professionalism

Italian tecno

Unpacked and washed with utmost care and professionalism We have a highly trained team of professionals

Decoding Zucami Spanish

Jaw amber Zukami Spanish production of white Unpacked, thoroughly washed and delivered successfully

Decoding and washing the Spanish Zucami

Professionalism in jaw and installation Focus in washing and disinfection Commitment on delivery dates

Omaz Italian Breed

The capacity of the amber is 50 thousand birds Professional jaw and installation

German Big Dutchman batteries

European import in excellent condition white production 🥚🥚

Spanish Zucami batteries, laying production

Professional jaw and installation European import in excellent condition

German Big Dutchman batteries

Paige Deutschmann Production White European import in excellent condition

Loading and supplying Spanish zucami cage

Accuracy and professionalism in jaw and installation Commitment to delivery times

Loading and supplying German cage Big Dutchman

& SOLD & Decoding, washing and supplying the Big Deutschmann amber accurately and professionally

Loading italian tecno cage

# Sold # We have a highly trained team of professionals.

loading cage big Dutchman German breeding

We have a highly trained team of professionals. We value time and punctuality in delivery

Loading Italian tecno cage laying production

After completing the jaw and washing to the fullest Destination: Egypt